Protector, Encourager and an example of living his purpose…these are the areas that my father excels and earns his place on the ‘honor roll’ of fatherhood.
When I was a young girl, I’ll never forget one of my biggest wishes was to get a t-shirt with my name on the back of it. At the time, I never understood why my dad wouldn’t allow it, but my mom had to explain to me, that my dad was doing it for my own protection. You see, he didn’t want me to be fooled by kidnappers who might have enticed me into their cars because they could call me by my name. This protection from my ‘natural father’ is similar to the protection that my heavenly father offers me as well. Even now, he sends me e-mails with warnings and continues to pray for my safety when I’ve ventured out to explore the world on my own.
My Dad is a man of few words with me as a daughter. Like me, he’s much more comfortable saying the important things by the written word. Often he’ll send me e-mail messages with inspirational stories of encouragement or texts from “The Upper Room.” The other day he sent me an e-mail expressing how proud he was of me. Although I don’t consider myself to be an overly emotional person, his note brought tears to my eyes and it was the encouragement I needed to hear in that moment. My dad, knows the right times to offer me encouragement, much like my heavenly father does.
An example of living his purpose
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always associated music with my Dad. When we were kids we’d go to see the bands he was directing in concert or even sometimes get to see him play the saxophone or other instruments. In fact, he forced encouraged both my sister and I to take piano lessons and music lessons as kids. I thought for a while that I wanted to make music my career and even went as far as majoring in it in undergrad for a couple of years, before I realized my talents were better used elsewhere.
My Dad is one of those rare persons who was blessed to recognize his purpose and anointing early on in life. He made a career out of music and also uses his gifts to serve the Lord. For me, that’s why he’s an example of living his purpose.
I’m thankful for the fact that God has blessed me with two fantastic parents, but I’m especially proud of my Dad, El Douglas Albritton, Jr. and I believe he deserves his place on the ‘Fatherhood Honor Roll”.
Georgia Peach
Georgia Peach