Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Change Is Going to Come...

Hi my faithful readers:

I hadn't written a blog post in over two years now and then earlier today I felt the urge.  For that I apologize...I have a few drafts of post  that I just came back and finished publishing a few drafts that I had written in the middle of my angst, but to be honest I felt too vulnerable at the time to actually share them at the time.  They felt too real, too raw, too honest for me to parade them around and display them.  This past two years has tested my patience, strained my nerves and I've felt more than a little angry, confused and nervous about my prospects and feeling as if I'd made a wrong turn somewhere. I've always wanted this blog to be a positive place and quite honestly I didn't want to be putting my negative energy out into the universe in the written word.  So, I have kept quiet as a result.

Now that I have a little perspective on the year, I realize that perhaps I needed this time to mature a bit and improve my character through some serious testing.  Overall, I'm still not sure what's happening with me, but since this past summer things have certainly started to look up for me.  I also think that my attitude has certainly changed for the better and I know now that to move forward I have to release some of the doubt, resentments and confusion so that I could begin to focus on the things that are good for me.  I also realized that most of my insecurities, goals and even some of the things I desired really mean very little in the scheme of things.  Quite simply priorities are changing pretty dramatically.

So, in this year of 2013, I'm dedicated to savoring the good moments in life, spending more time with my loved ones and not beating myself up so much when things don't work out quite as I'd planned them small feat for me! If you know me "in real life," then if you see me slipping back into old habits and patterns feel free to say to me "G - I see you slipping."

Thanks for reading and I promise to do better and write a little more often.  It's time for a return to me...the image above was taken by me a little more than a year ago, when I had a friend visiting from Toronto.  I miss taking pictures...I think it's time for me to start taking them again.


Georgia Peach

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