Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's just getting started

Hello my faithful readers:

I have been a little lax in posting updates here, but it's amazing how quickly the days seem to fly by here. Each day a few more of my classmates arrive and there is a flurry of activity as we all try to set up plans for dinner, drinks or whatever just to get to know each other before classes begin. Last night was a fine example. We ended up having dinner at one of the Japanese restaurants on Munstraat here in Leuven, before grabbing beers at one of the local Oude Markt pizzerias.

The social scene here in Leuven seems to be pretty hopping on nice nights. I wish I had pics, but the battery in my camera died last night. I'll try to give you a (very) brief word picture of the scene. There are rows and rows of tables and chairs (sometimes 15 deep), some underneath over-sized umbrellas. All of the people, tables, chairs and umbrellas are spread out across the Grote and Oude Markt areas of town. There is beautiful architecture surrounding you on all sides. Close your eyes a little more and you'll hear the roar of a thousands of conversations happening at a time. Personally, I find that gentle roar comforting and relaxing, it's reminiscent to the sounds you might hear walking through Grand Central Station in NYC. This is the best location for people watching at its finest- in the heart of Leuven.

I realized yesterday that while I am busy getting into the social activities, I am here for a much better reason than just hanging out in a beautiful country. That reason is to study, learn more about other cultures and obtain my MBA. Leuven has a deceptively bland atmosphere that relaxes you and pulls you into its' spell without you fully realizing it. I know that personally my diet has gone to hell in a hand basket here because I'm eating way too many pasta, beers, and sweets. I'm learning that Leuven has a bit of a reputation as a college party town. The past week and a half has given me a bit of a glimpse of why it is referred to as the city of beer, sports and chocolate.

This week I began the process of studying (again), but I haven't fully given it the attention I should. Currently I have two more pre-course work classes that I need to pass before classes officially start on September 1st. Hanging out with my classmates last night also made me realize, I have more than just the coursework to get done. In addition to what is assigned in classes if I am to get all I hope for out of this program I need to do more research on what it is really like in the rest of the world. I freely admit here that I arrogantly thought I had a solid understanding, but sitting there between my classmates from India, Jordan, Turkey and Mexico I realized at that moment, that I know nothing at all. (I was also shocked to hear that American Idol is HUGE in Jordan). I'm excited, but also more than a little overwhelmed by the thought of the amounts of information that I'll be processing over the next 13 months. Quite simply put, I've got a lot of work to do.

Thanks for reading today's blog. I look forward to sharing more with you over the next year.


Georgia Peach


#1 N.a.G said...

I'm so happy that your getting in the mix of things so quickly. It sounds like your going through a bit of informational overload but it all sounds fun and I'd rather over think than become stagnant:) I'm so happy for you and jealous all at the same time. I hope to follow my big dreams soon as I can lock down which big dream I want most! Enjoy, take it all in and don't forget your NYC fam!

Georgia Peach said...

Aww thanks Kendia! I miss having you guys here and I will try my best not to get too overwhelmed! It's a lot to take in though. :) You'll lock in before you know it, it only took me until 31 to find mine, I have the feeling you're not far away from yours :)

sandeepmoonka said...

i guess the learning outside the classroom is no less than the classroom learning, thats why the school chooses such a diverse class...

Georgia Peach said...

Agreed Sandeep. Yolanda said that there are 38 nationalities represented in this years class. That's quite an accomplishment. Let the learning begin.