Sunday, November 27, 2016

Taking a break

Hello to my faithful readers:

Wow - I've been 'funemployed' now for about 3 full weeks and for the first 2 weeks I was busier than I've ever been.  This past week for the week of Thanksgiving - I decided to make the conscious effort to dial back my 'busybody' syndrome.  I had a conversation last week after church with a couple who had both taken time off from corporate life.  It was in chatting with them that I was encouraged to
truly take a break by dialing back my social media activity, which meant deleting and blocking my access to Facebook, Instagram and (gasp) Twitter!!!

The results - though I feel a little less informed on all things Trump - my anxiety levels have gone down tremendously.  I'm taken the week to read a little more - I finally finished reading a sweeping and expansive love story - About The Night by Anat Talshir.  I've been reading it for a while now and in my opinion it's long, but beautifully written.

Having the down time this week also gave me the time to watch a few more TV and movies that I haven't had a chance to check out before now -- my recommendations from this week are: Eye In The Sky, Trumbo, Paranoid (though there are some weird tonal issues with this show, but overall it was worth the time watching) and The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975.

This week has made me realize that I have a lot of history to learn and perhaps lots to unlearn.  I am thankful that I have this time to spend on the education of Gleana as well as some relaxation and restoration.  My little shadow, Ginger has been my best cuddle buddy throughout it all - even the horror of realizing we still have a President-elect Trump to contend with.

I'm also using this time to seek direction about the next steps for me.  There is a big change coming and I'm preparing myself.


Georgia Peach

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Saying goodbye

Hello my faithful readers:

It has been quite sometime since I've written a post here lots has changed for me -

  • I moved out of NYC to LA for a great job in 2015...
  • Decided to move on from that job just a couple of weeks go... 
  • Adopted an adorable chiweenie named Ginger... 
  • Bought a car (I love driving)...
  • I woke up...

I say all of that to say that 2016 has been a challenging year for upset and loss (we lost David Bowie, Prince, Gwen Ifill and many others this year).  We also recently elected Donald Trump as Pres. of the USA in one of the nastiest elections I've ever seen.  We've also seen lots of black men and women get killed by the police.  It's been tough for me personally emotionally and I haven't written anything on my blog in a while.  I promise that I will finally write more now that I have more time... I'm still processing and unpacking how I feel.  It's a lot.

I didn't talk much about it at the time, but I lost my grandmother, Lucy Albritton in April. Because life was busy, I didn't really get much time to grieve. This loss was huge and in some ways I'm still dealing with the effects of not being able to talk to her and get reassurance that everything will be alright...  I did want to share with you the words I said at her funeral on April 9, 2016.  This is a rough approximation because I made a few edits to it... maybe it will touch some of you.

Today we come together to celebrate the life of my grandmother Lucy “Lulu” Albritton.  For those that don’t know me – I’m Gleana Albritton, the eldest daughter of one of Lulu’s three sons, El Douglas Albritton, Jr. (or Boot as she would lovingly call him).  Today I want to share with you the great impact Lulu had on my life learned from watching her over the years.

First and most importantly, Lulu taught me all about how important it was for me to have my own relationship with God.  She modeled her faith for me by showing how important it was to bless others through service.  Lulu always made sure to help so many in the community and her circle of friends by running food giveaway and social programs for the elderly, even as recently as a couple of years ago.   She kept doing it until she no longer could.  Lulu always encouraged me to pray (almost every conversation ended with her telling me this) and if she felt like I needed it, she would always guide me to a scripture.   I believe Lulu learned these same lessons as a young girl by watching her grandmother back in Talbotton, GA and I’m grateful that she passed this on to me.   So if you don’t remember anything else from this celebration, I hope I can encourage someone here today to develop their own relationship with God.

Lulu was also a master storyteller – on any given Sunday I remember sitting around and laughing with the family as she regaled us with her stories.  She loved to tell stories about family most of all and I learned so much about my dad and his siblings by just sitting there and listening.  The tales would get bigger and bigger each and every time she told them.  She loved to tell the story about the time we took a trip to visit my aunt Charlotte (Aunt Peachy to me) ito Macon on the greyhound bus.  It was on this trip that we made a stop and the way she told it – I asked her to buy some candy for me and that I wanted to save some of it for my Aunt Peach.  We got back on the bus and continued on down the road and I asked for my candy.  She asked me – “What about you saving it for Peachy? “ and according to Lulu, I replied “I ain’t studdin Peachy.” It was through these countless re-tellings of the stories – you saw just how much she loved her family and friends so remember to pass along your family stories too. 

Most importantly for me, my grandmother encouraged me to be brave. It was because of her encouragement that I believed I could do anything I put my mind to…she was my champion and always had an encouraging word for me whether it was related to my move to NYC, my travels (she would always tell me to watch out, because there was so much going on), she always said she was proud of me and that she knew I would survive because I was smart.  She always spoke a word of life and encouragement to me and I know she did this for countless others.

Lulu made such an impact on me and I hope that I can make her proud by continuing her legacy through my relationship with God, becoming a better storyteller and encouraging others to be brave.  Thank you for coming out to help our family to celebrate the life of Lucy “Lulu” Albritton today.  May God bless and keep you all.   


Georgia Peach