Sunday, November 27, 2016

Taking a break

Hello to my faithful readers:

Wow - I've been 'funemployed' now for about 3 full weeks and for the first 2 weeks I was busier than I've ever been.  This past week for the week of Thanksgiving - I decided to make the conscious effort to dial back my 'busybody' syndrome.  I had a conversation last week after church with a couple who had both taken time off from corporate life.  It was in chatting with them that I was encouraged to
truly take a break by dialing back my social media activity, which meant deleting and blocking my access to Facebook, Instagram and (gasp) Twitter!!!

The results - though I feel a little less informed on all things Trump - my anxiety levels have gone down tremendously.  I'm taken the week to read a little more - I finally finished reading a sweeping and expansive love story - About The Night by Anat Talshir.  I've been reading it for a while now and in my opinion it's long, but beautifully written.

Having the down time this week also gave me the time to watch a few more TV and movies that I haven't had a chance to check out before now -- my recommendations from this week are: Eye In The Sky, Trumbo, Paranoid (though there are some weird tonal issues with this show, but overall it was worth the time watching) and The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975.

This week has made me realize that I have a lot of history to learn and perhaps lots to unlearn.  I am thankful that I have this time to spend on the education of Gleana as well as some relaxation and restoration.  My little shadow, Ginger has been my best cuddle buddy throughout it all - even the horror of realizing we still have a President-elect Trump to contend with.

I'm also using this time to seek direction about the next steps for me.  There is a big change coming and I'm preparing myself.


Georgia Peach

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